Our Team
Meet the people
at Renwise
Vytautas Ruolia
Hydrogen & e-fuels
Vytautas has close to 20 years of experience in energy sector. Most of it he was serving as Commercial Director at Amber Grid, Lithuanian gas transmission network operator, where he was actively engaged in customer relationships, regulatory affairs, strategic planning and business development, including major investment projects, establishement of national registry for guarantees of origin for renewables gases and early stages of preparation for hydrogen network and analysing options for CO2 pipelines. Besides that, he was Board member for years in GET Baltic, – regional gas exchange, and Baltpool, – biomass trading platform, amongst other market-related activities. Since mid of 2024, he left Amber Grid to focus on energy transition and on building ecosystem for renewable hydrogen and other green molecules in Lithuania and region around.
Aistis Radavičius
Wind, solar & BESS
Aistis has started his professional career with renewable energy in 2011 during his diplomatic service in the Ministry of Foreign affairs, later continued as an adviser in Renewable energy department in Ministry of Energy of Lithuania. In 2016 he left public service and was offered a position of a CEO of Lithuanian wind power association. During 5 years in the Association he significantly expanded the Association and  helped wind energy to become the main source of electricity in Lithuanian energy mix. In 2021 Aistis left wind industry to become a partner with British-German capital company Aura Power Developments Ltd. as project development manager to develop solar PV and BESS projects. This partnership delivered one of the biggest solar PV projects in Europe – 375 MWp solar PV project in the district of Ignalina, Lithuania.
Liutauras Varanavičius
Electricity markets, grids & flexibility
Liutauras brings over 15 years of expertise as the former Strategy Director at Lithuania's electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO). During his tenure, he led the historical project for the synchronisation of the Baltic states with Continental Europe, successfully navigating complex political negotiations and securing €2 billion in financing through meticulous cost-benefit analysis. Contributed to the success of cross border projects of LitPol Link, NordBalt, Harmony link. Crafted a comprehensive 10-year strategy and business plans for a transmission system operator, utilising LEAN x-matrix methodology to drive efficiency and strategic alignment. Effectively managed a €2 billion investment project portfolio, overseeing the development ofa 10-year transmission network plan, including the implementation of adequacy andcapacity mechanisms to ensure seamless operation. Championed the development and application of European market design principles on anational level, contributing to the evolution of the energy landscape. Drove innovation across multiple sectors, including pioneering initiatives in dynamic linerating, battery technology, and satellite applications to enhance operational efficiency and resilience.
What industry leaders are saying about us
We entered the Lithuanian market in 2020 to developlarge-scale industrial solar PV and BESS projects. Aistis was our localdevelopment partner and was instrumental in launching and developing asuccessful pipeline of projects. He managed the whole process from creation ofthe company to submission of projects for permits. He helped Aura to establishitself as one of the leading PV market players in Lithuania. His marketknowledge and network of contacts proved invaluable to us for growing thebusiness. We are now finalizing technical design and in 2025 expect to be readyto build our first projects in the country.
Simon Andrew Coulson
Aura power developments co-founder and CEO
Kai Aistis tapo Asociacijos direktoriumi, buvau organizacijos valdyboje kaip UAB „Renerga“ generalinis direktorius. Tuo metu Asociacijai trūko įtakos ir poveikio. Aisčio vadovavimas atnešė reikšmingų pokyčių. Vėjo pramonės balsas tapo pagrindiniu formuojant energetikos teisės aktus, įtvirtinant vėjo energetiką kaip pagrindinį Lietuvos elektros gamybos šaltinį. Jis palaikė tvirtus ryšius su Energetikos ministerija ir Seimo komitetais, derindamas įvairius pramonės interesus asociacijoje. Per penkerius metus narių skaičius išaugo nuo 17 iki 37, o šiandien, turint daugiau nei 50 narių, didžioji dalis Asociacijos augimo ir įtakos yra Aisčio atsidavimo ir profesionalumo dėka.
Linas Sabaliauskas
Lietuvos vėjo elektrinių asociacijos direktorius
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